Khiva Roofs
In Uzbekistan, the roofs of the old town of Khiva under the hot July sun. Credit: Hubert-Félix Delattre (France) Find all of our photos of the day… [...]
Rusty boat
Rusty fishing boat lying in the sands of Aralkum Desert in Moynaq, Uzbekistan. Credit: Konstantin Novaković (Serbia) Find all of our photos of the day here. [...]
Taekwondo in Bukhara
Taekwondo is a popular sport in Uzbekistan. The country hosted the 2019 World Taekwondo Championships. Credit: Hubert-Félix Delattre (France) Find all of our photos of the day here. [...]
Columns and perspective
In Uzbekistan in the Itchan Kala district of Khiva, carved columns offer unique perspectives. Credit: Charlotte Bonin (France) Find all of our photos of the day here. [...]
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Aral Sea Monument in Moynaq placed above the former shore of the lake features the depictions of the Aral Sea in 1960 and the current state that are clearly… [...]
Historic fortress
Walls of the Ark, historic fortress located within the historic core of Bukhara in Uzbekistan that served as the residence of the emirs of Bukhara for centuries. Credit: Konstantin… [...]
Summer afternoon
A summer afternoon in a residential quartier of Bukhara in Uzbekistan. Credit: Konstantin Novaković (Serbia) Find all of our photos of the day. [...]
Holiday afternoon
Grandfathers with their grandchildren during a mid-afternoon holiday in Khiva, Uzbekistan. Credit: Charlotte Bonin (France) Find all of our photos of the day. [...]
Gyaur Kala
The ruins of the fortress Gyaur Kala are located on the outskirts of Nukus, in western Uzbekistan. The fortress was probably built in the 4th century… [...]
Sunrise market
At dawn, at the cattle market near Khiva in Uzbekistan. Credit: Maupu Anouk (France) Find all of our photos of the day here. [...]
Through the glass
The train rattles over the tracks between Nukus and Bukhara. Outside the window, the desert beckons. A rough, wild, and rugged land whizzes by. Credit: Ashley et Quentin (France) Find… [...]