About us

Novastan is the only European media entirely dedicated to post-Soviet Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). Launched in Bishkek in 2011, it is now based in Paris and Berlin, and publishes online in French, German and English.

Since August 2017 and the creation of the non-profit associations Novastan France in Paris and Novastan E.V. in Berlin, Novastan is a community as well as a media. This English website falls under the umbrella of Novastan France for now; feel free to read our statutes and the minutes of our latest and ordinary general meetings (all in French). The French and German organisations have signed a partnership agreement which you can find here in French and here in German.

As a community media, Novastan organises events in France and Germany on top of publishing news and analysis.

Our English version launched in January 2021.


Want to join help inform our readers about Central Asia? We’re looking for volunteers to join our editorial team! At the moment we’re seeking sub-editors, a social media editor, writers and translators.

If that sounds like you, please see here for more information.

Our team

Novastan is run by a team of international volunteers. Each helps as much as they can, depending on their time and interest.

Editorial manager (Novastan France) Etienne Combier

Editorial manager (Novastan E.V.) Florian Coppenrath

Editor in chief (English) Valentine Baldassari

Editor in chief (German) Robin Roth

By the way… Where is Central Asia?

Central Asia is 5 countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. They were all part of the Soviet Union until 1991. We add the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, in China, to our definition of Central Asia, but exclude Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Come talk to us on social media! We are on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Telegram and Instagram.

You can also reach the editorial team at editorial@novastan.org and the French association at novastan.france@novastan.org. For anything else, you can write to info@novastan.org or fill in the contact form below.