Pamiri Odometer
On the road in the Pamirs in Tajikistan. This sign which shows the kilometers to Dushanbe, Kulob or Darvoz has already experienced many drivers and winters in icy… [...]
Where there are no trees …
… the Tajik village of Karakul is dotted with a forest of pylons. Located in the spectacular high mountain landscape of the Pamir, not far from the Kyrgyz… [...]
Clouds on the Fann mountains
The Fann Mountains are located in the northern part of the Pamir-Alay mountain range. They include about a hundred peaks, some of… [...]
In Tajikistan repression continues
For nearly a year and a half, the Pamiri minority in Tajikistan, who live mainly in the Gorno-Badakhshan region in the east of the country, have been suffering harsh repressive… [...]
Support Novastan, the European Central Asia magazine
By supporting Novastan, you are supporting the only English, French and German-language media specialising in Central Asia. We're independent and we need your help to stay that way!European reaction to repression in Tajikistan has no effect
In recent months, Tajik activists and members of the opposition have appealed to the international community to take action to protect human rights in the country. They feel that Europe… [...]
Tajikistan: “ethnic cleansing” and repression in the Tajik Pamirs
The Tajik government is intensifying repression. It is particularly violent in Gorno-Badakhshan and targets the Pamiri minority: observers speak of “ethnic cleansing”. This article was originally published on Novastan’s French… [...]
Fresh snow in the Pamirs
The cold weather over night covered the high mountains of the… [...]
On the road again
Waiting on the Pamir Road in Tajikistan. Credit: Ryad Hitouche (France) Find all of our photos of the day here. [...]
Traffic and herds
Driving behind a herd in the high Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan. Credit: Christine Wystup (France) Find all of our photos of the day. You… [...]
Herd of yaks
A large herd of yaks on the Pamir highlands, at an altitude of over 3000m in Tajikistan. Crédit: Christine Wystup (France) Find all of our photos of the day… [...]