Photo of the day
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Palace of Sports
The Palace of Sports in Navoiy combines sports facilities for various sports under one roof. This city in southwestern Uzbekistan has about 120,000 inhabitants and is an important industrial… [...]

Red curtain
The curtain, which shields the hot sun rays, wraps the kitchen in a mystical light. Credit: Irina Unruh (Germany) This photo is part of our series “Central Asia through the lens… [...]

Jyrgalan Valley
A cow stands expectantly on the street in a small village in the Jyrgalan valley in the east of Kyrgyzstan. Credit: Justine Paci Find all of our photos of the… [...]

Lively desert
Rangkul is located in the middle of a desert at 3800m altitude, off the main road. Here there is no running water or electricity, as in… [...]

Around Baiterek
Nourjol Boulevard is the main pedestrian artery of Nur-Sultan in Kazakhstan. The great Báıterek Tower that stands in the middle of the city has become the symbol and the main… [...]
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Laughs at the window
The two children observe at a safe distance what their friends in the kindergarten are doing outside. Credit: Irina Unruh (Germany) This photo is part of our series “Central Asia through… [...]

Wood carriage
A carriage of wood at the Bazar of Fergana, eastern Uzbekistan. Credit: Simon Kretschmer (Germany) Find all of our photos of the day here. [...]

Khoja Obi Garm Sanatorium
In the Khoja Obi Garm Sanatorium in Tajikistan, close to the capital Dushanbe, one can relax on the height of 2000 metres between the mountains. Credit: Gina Bates (United Kingdom) Find… [...]

Baha-ud-din architectural complex
In the mausoleum of Baha-ud-din Naqshband, near Bukhara in Uzbekistan. Credit: Charlotte Bonin (France) Find all of our photos of the day here. [...]