Written articles:
View next to Registan Square in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Credit: Charlotte Bonin (France) Find all of our photos of the day here. [...]
Shepherd on his horse
Portrait of a camel shepherd on his horse. Boirok-Bulak, Kyrgyzstan. Credit: Théo Saffroy (France) Find all photos of the series here. Find all… [...]
Winter pasture
Near the Song-Köl Lake in northern Kyrgyzstan, wild horses brave the snow and the cold. Credit: Justine Paci (France) Find all of our photos of the day here. [...]
Preserved Fortress
In Turkmenistan, the ruins of the Kyz Qala fortress are among the best preserved structures of ancient Merv. Credit: Konstantin Novakovic (Serbia) Find all of our photos of… [...]
Mountain chain
Small touches like these curtains enliven the rather cold and clinical atmosphere of the Khoja Obi Garm Sanatorium in Tajikistan. Credit: Gina Bates (United Kingdom) Find all of our photos… [...]
Chatting at the Zelyony Bazaar
Two saleswomen at the Zelyony Bazaar take advantage of a quiet moment to talk. This market supplies part of the city of Almaty in Kazakhstan. Credit: Antoine Béguier (France)… [...]
Peak Nansen
Peak Nansen (5,697 metres) overlooks the Engilchek Valley formed by the Engilchek Glacier in Kyrgyzstan, the sixth longest non-polar glacier in the world. Credit: Antonin Lechat… [...]
[Newsletter] Kazakhstan cracks down on activists
This is a copy of our newsletter from 25 January 2021. Sign up here to receive it directly in your inbox every Monday. This newsletter is dedicated to… [...]
Palace of Sports
The Palace of Sports in Navoiy combines sports facilities for various sports under one roof. This city in southwestern Uzbekistan has about 120,000 inhabitants and is an important industrial… [...]
Red curtain
The curtain, which shields the hot sun rays, wraps the kitchen in a mystical light. Credit: Irina Unruh (Germany) This photo is part of our series “Central Asia through the lens… [...]
Jyrgalan Valley
A cow stands expectantly on the street in a small village in the Jyrgalan valley in the east of Kyrgyzstan. Credit: Justine Paci Find all of our photos of the… [...]