Valentine Baldassari
Written articles:
Kyrgyzstan to hold constitutional referendum in April
It’s official: Kyrgyzstan will choose whether or not to modify its constitution on 11 April. Parliament approved the bill making provisions for a referendum last week and the president, Sadyr… [...]
Fergana News at risk of closing down
Fergana News, the biggest Russian news site dedicated to Central Asia, is experiencing major financial difficulties and is at risk of closing down. This article was originally published on Novastan’s… [...]
Tajikistan declares itself coronavirus-free
In an address to parliament, the president of Tajikistan announced there hadn’t been any new cases of Covid-19 in the country this year. Yet, observers and experts say the Central… [...]
Kazakhstan: Asqar Mamin reappointed prime minister after uncompetitive election
In its first session, the newly elected parliament of Kazakhstan approved the re-appointment of Prime Minister Asqar Mamin. His is not the only familiar face to return after the ruling… [...]
Kyrgyzstan elects Sadyr Japarov and opts for presidential government
Kyrgyzstan’s snap presidential election resulted in a landslide victory for Sadyr Japarov. The vote came at the same time as a referendum on the population’s preferred form of government, with… [...]
Kyrgyzstan struggling to meet electricity demand this winter
With low water levels in its main reservoir, Kyrgyzstan is struggling to keep up with the increasing demand for electricity this winter. Deputy Prime Minister Ravshan Sabirov warned this increase… [...]