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Uzbek business provides Bonduelle with beans

At the end of last April, the Uzbek fruit and vegetable exporter Global Export shipped 44 tonnes of beans to the world leader in canned vegetables, French company Bonduelle. As the result of a new partnership between the two companies, Global Export’s director hopes to strengthen this collaboration. This article was originally published on Novastan’s French website on May 5, 2021. According to Uzbek media Uz News, the Uzbek company Global Export exported the first batch of legumes during the end of last April with the help of the Uzbek embassy in France and the Uzbek Export Promotion Agency. Supplying Bonduelle more specifically with ‘black eyed beans’, or black eyed peas, this partnership adds France to the list of Global Export’s twenty-six partners, according to its website.

At the end of last April, the Uzbek fruit and vegetable exporter Global Export shipped 44 tonnes of beans to the world leader in canned vegetables, French company Bonduelle. As the result of a new partnership between the two companies, Global Export’s director hopes to strengthen this collaboration. This article was originally published on Novastan’s French website on May 5, 2021. According to Uzbek media Uz News, the Uzbek company Global Export exported the first batch of legumes during the end of last April with the help of the Uzbek embassy in France and the Uzbek Export Promotion Agency. Supplying Bonduelle more specifically with ‘black eyed beans’, or black eyed peas, this partnership adds France to the list of Global Export’s twenty-six partners, according to its website.

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In a comment to Novastan, the director of Uzbek company Global Export Abbos Botirov explained the intent to develop the Bonduelle partnership. “Receiving European partners’ recognition is absolute proof of the quality of our company’s products,” declares Abbos Botirov. “Our company already has strong partnerships with companies in eight European countries. This was also made possible through the setting of international food standards such as FSSC 22000,” added the director.

Global Export desires to strengthen the Bonduelle partnership in the upcoming months

“This recognition from the greatest worldwide vegetable can company shows that our business has started to acquire worldwide status as a trusted partner in producing agricultural goods,” explains Abbos Botirov. As of now, the agreement between the two companies has seen 180 tonnes of beans exported to France. Moreover, the Global Export director see the partnership heading in a positive direction, adding “We expect to significantly increase the volume of exportation to 700 tons per year.” Bonduelle did not respond to Novastan’s request for comment.  

Joanna Blain Editor for Novastan

Translated from French by Emma Bekrine

Edited by Fiona Katherine Smith

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