Mosque in the Jewish quarter
In the winding old town of Samarkand there is a small mosque in the Jewish quarter for the coexistence of different religions in a small space. Credit: Justine Paci… [...]
Symbolic dome
The unique dome of the Gur Emir Mausoleum in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, has 64 evenly spaced ribs, each of which is supposed to represent one year of the Prophet Mohammed’s… [...]
Tashkent South Station
The entrance hall at the South Station of the Uzbek capital Tashkent, which was built just a few years ago, mixes elements of Soviet and Islamic architecture. Credit : Justine… [...]
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By supporting Novastan, you are supporting the only English, French and German-language media specialising in Central Asia. We're independent and we need your help to stay that way!Aralsk: Pictures of the Vanished Aral Sea
A PLACE IN CENTRAL ASIA – A victim of one of the greatest ecological catastrophes of the twentieth century, the Aral Sea, which is located in northern Uzbekistan and western… [...]
Morning walk
The morning walk for bread in the countryside of the Jizzakh region, Uzbekistan. Credit: Saxon Bosworth (United Kingdom)Find all of our photos of the day… [...]
Colourful scene
The dismantling of a colourful hiking stage in the lowlands of Koytendag Range. A mountain range on the border between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Credit: Joachim Bohndorf (Germany) Find all of… [...]
Morning commute
A man rides a bicycle in the old city of Bukhara, Uzbekistan. Credit: Ashley and Quentin (France) Find all of our photos of the day here. [...]
Baked Goods
A woman selling bread on the streets of Bukhara, Uzbekistan. Credit: Christine Wystup (France) Find all of our photos of the day here. … [...]