Quality Requirments
The cattle market in Karakol, Kyrgyzstan starts early in the morning, even in winter. The purchase of livestock and pack animals must be well thought out – knowledge &… [...]
Turkmen watermelon
A grower presents a particularly striking specimen of… [...]
Market entrance
The exterior of the Panjshanbe bazaar in Khujand, Tajikistan.Credit: Gina Bates… [...]
Dried fruit at the market
Dried fruits in the colourful Panjshanbe bazaar in Khujand, Tajikistan. Credit: Gina Bates (United Kingdom) Find all of our photos of the day here. [...]
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By supporting Novastan, you are supporting the only English, French and German-language media specialising in Central Asia. We're independent and we need your help to stay that way!Sunrise market
At dawn, at the cattle market near Khiva in Uzbekistan. Credit: Maupu Anouk (France) Find all of our photos of the day here. [...]
Bustling market
The Panjshanbe bazaar in Khujand, Tajikistan, in full swing. Credit: Gina Bates (England) Find all of our photos of the day here. [...]
Morning at Arslanbob
As the sun goes up, the sellers of this market do their first business in the village of Arslanbob in Kyrgyzstan. Credit: Irina Unruh (Germany) This photo is part of… [...]