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How is Kyrgyzstan celebrating Nooruz in 2024?

Kazakhstan: commemorating Victory Day without military parade

Beyond fun and games – the politics of Nowruz

Four Central Asian cultural practices newly inscribed on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List

“Manastchy”: the Kyrgyz soul in all its poetry

Jamila – the “world’s most beautiful love story” on film

Looking for Rhythms of Lost Time, in Tajikistan

From the high Pamirs to the shores of Lake Van: The tale of Turkey’s Kyrgyz community

Tajikistan: Nine new sites on tentative World Heritage list

“I want our theatre to be the new face of Tajik theatre”: Khurshed Mustafoev on the future of Dushanbe’s Russian theatre

The Wounded Angel: a dramatic and profound portrait of 1990s rural Kazakhstan

Igla: plunge into the underworld of Kazakhstan’s perestroika with the legendary Viktor Tsoi