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First harvest of the season

Kamila Rustambekova is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, born in 1998. Her work focuses on the complexities of modern Uzbek society, exploring the working and living conditions of locals as well as the boundaries of self-expression and societal taboos faced by the youth.

Here, she documents the hard seasonal work and living conditions of melon and peanut growers in Farish, in the Jizzakh region. Playing on the similarity of words and the contrast of lifestyles, Kamila Rustembekova has given the name ‘Paris’ to the series from which this image is taken.

Credits : Kamila Rustambekova

(kamilarustambekova1@gmail.com, https://www.instagram.com/kamilarustambekova/)

To learn more about Kamila Rustambekova and her work, click here.

Kamila’s work has been featured in publications such as i-D, Calvert, Buro Kazakhstan, Novastan, Bird in Flight, and Klassiki. Kamila is part of Women Photograph.

Group Exhibitions:
2023 Baesianz presents KIN, Guts Gallery_ (London, UK )

2023 New East Festival: A celebration of contemporary photography, IDEAL Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)

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