Banquet table
- Photo of the day
- 1 minute
On the table, melons, watermelons, sweets, biscuits, fried bread (boorsock), pyramids of sangza (a Uighur speciality of fried noodles) and, of course, bowls of tea. Behind the table, facing the entrance to the yurt, the host and guest of honour, and on either side, the men and women of the family.
Turar Kazangapov, Kazakh photojournalist with Tengrinews, recently travelled to Xinjiang in China, where many Kazakhs, Uighurs, Dungans and Chinese live. He observed and documented Kazakh daily life and came away convinced that Kazakh customs and traditions are still preserved in many places.
Credits : Turar Kazangapov (@Kazangapov.t, Kazakhstan)
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