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Novastan is looking for freelance journalists based in Central Asia

The only European media dedicated to Central Asia in English, French and German is now looking for freelance journalists based in Central Asia.



The only European media dedicated to Central Asia in English, French and German is now looking for freelance journalists based in Central Asia.

Thanks to individual donations and subscriptions, Novastan is now able to pay freelance journalists based in Central Asia for articles. Founded in 2011 in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Novastan is the only European media dedicated to Central Asia in French (since 2011), German (2013) and English (2021). 

Our goal is to talk about Central Asia as it is, not as it is dreamt. We are aiming for a realistic point of view of the region. Our mission is to talk about Central Asia to a European audience, either travelling from or to Central Asia, or Europeans working in Central Asia. 

You can find out more about us here: About Novastan

What we expect

We are looking for reported pieces of around 1000 words (or two pages). Longer articles are possible with our editor-in -chief’s approval. 

We are looking for stories about the environment or about the relationship between European (as a whole and/or separately) and Central Asian countries, in the widest sense possible. 

It should include original and relevant quotes and at least one picture taken on the ground to illustrate the article. 

Please keep in mind most of our readers are European and might not know Central Asia. 

If you are a photographer, we are also interested in picture-based articles or field reports.

If accepted, your idea will be published in Novastan’s three versions: French, English, German. Your article can be written in any of these languages.


Commissioned pieces are paid via Paypal. We can pay between 45 and 90 euros per article plus a maximum of 45 euros for expenses directly linked to the article as long as you provide stamped receipts (счет-фактура).

How to contact us

Please include in your pitch:

  • A short outline of your article: your topic, key points to address and questions you intend to explore.
  • Key people you might interview
  • A Linkedin profile and/or a CV and a few words about you with examples of previous work in French, German or English

Please send your pitch to editorial[at]novastan.org with PITCH in the subject line.

Talk to you soon!


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