Home    Category: Kazakhstan


New voices: Central Asian short films at the GoEast Festival 2024

Saving Snow Leopards: how scientists fight for the survival of a species

Cleaning up after FTX: Kazakhstan aims to regulate the crypto industry

Kazakhstan stops investment agreement with ArcelorMittal after deadly explosion in Kostenko mine takes 46 lives

“Alaqan”: Aida Adilbek’s decolonial documentary cinema

“JAÑA CEKARA” Film Festival Forced to Go Online due to Pressure from Law Enforcement

Sweet Milky Corn:  the film, in which everyone recognizes themselves

Kazakhstan: Residents suffer from lack of water

“Goliath” – a parable of power

In Central Asia, the Freedom of Press is in Decline

“Islands of Soviet power on the steppes”

Kazakhstan: two activists get 15-days detention for peaceful protests against “unfair” election