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The “Farhod” Palace of Culture in Navoi, in southwestern Uzbekistan, was built in the early 1970s. Concerts, state ceremonies and other festive events are held there. Credit: Viacheslav Vazyulya… [...]
A break at Gur-Emir mausoleum
A woman sits in the courtyard of the Gur Emir mausoleum in Samarkand, where Tamerlane (Amir Timur), the national hero, and his family are buried. Credit:… [...]
Left to dry
Kourpashas, traditional Uzbek carpets, which adorn the homes of every household, dry in the sun in Moynaq, Karakalpakistan, western Uzbekistan. Credit: Timur Karpov (Uzbekistan) Find… [...]
Is Tajikistan really free from coronavirus?
As Tajikistan boasts a lack of coronavirus cases, both experts and the population raise doubts about the authorities’ sincerity. Could the government be hiding the truth, fearing panic and a… [...]
Street Football
Children playing football on a street in Moynaq. Until a few years ago, this town in Karakalpakistan, an autonomous republic in western Uzbekistan, was still located on the… [...]
Engraved in the rock
For more than 40 years, the founder of the Soviet Union has been overlooking the Kirov reservoir in Kyrgyzstan, 15 kilometres from the Kazakh border. And it doesn’t look… [...]
A mysterious radar
In Sarytash, in southern Kyrgyzstan near the Tajik border, a military radar that monitored China’s neighbour during the Soviet Union. Credit: Gregoire Ader (France) Find… [...]
Town entrance
The port city of Turkmenbasy. The city on the Caspian Sea was founded from the Russian settlement of Krasnovodsk and was renamed by President Saparmurat Niyazov in… [...]