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Novastan photo contest 2024

Novastan is launching its second photo competition on the theme of ‘Frame the Joy’! Post your best shot and win a year’s subscription to our media.

How to enter?

Post your photo on Instagram with the tag #novastanphotocontest and add Novastan as a collaborator to your photo.

Don’t have an Instagram account? Send us your photo by e-mail to the following address: photo@novastan.org, along with a caption, a title and the place where the photo was taken, as well as your precise contact details (surname, first name, country), by 15 October at the latest.

The ten best photos will be published on our website, in our ‘Photo of the Day’ section, and on our social networks between 25 October and 3 November. The results will be announced on 4 November. The winner will receive a one-year subscription to novastan.org.

Authors are solely responsible for all rights relating to the images they submit.


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