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Photo of the day

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Turkmenistan canyon desert

Burning Fortresses

Xinjiang Kazachstan Turar Kazangapov

Quiet men

Samarkand uzbekistan bazaar


young woman in traditional dress Dushanbe Tajikistan


Gapar Aitiev Museum of Fine Arts - Bichkek, Kirghizstan

Gapar Aitiev Museum of Fine Arts

Xinjiang elderly woman in traditional outfit Turar Kazangapov


Ashgabat - Turkmenbashi night train young girls sea resort area of Awasa Caspian Sea. March 2024. Eleonora Sacco

On board the train

Jizzax street scene


A hiking group on the way to Kelinshektau

A hiking group on the way to Kelinshektau

The Burana tower, former Balasagun - credit : Zoé Toulouse

Another fairy tale …

Clouds on the Fann mountains - The editorial

Clouds on the Fann mountains

Ship cemetery, Moynaq, Uzbekistan - credits : Zoé Toulouse

Dried up